
OrigaLys ElectroChem SAS "Made in Know How"
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OrigaStat - OGS100+ mit OrigaCell Kit

OrigaStat - OGS100+ mit OrigaCell Kit

(Code: E11OGL021100+)

OrigaStat OGS100+
  • Potentiostat
  • Galvanostat
  • Impedancemeter
  • pH-meter
  • Temperature probe
  • Speed Controller for RDE
  • Control of external devices
  • Built-in Electrochemical Cell (OrigaCell Kit)
  • 17V 100mA USB
This Potentiostat - Galvanostat - Impedancemeter, designed by OrigaLys Electrochem SAS is a complete solution with an attractive shape.

OGS100+ is composed by the potentiostat and the built-in electrochemical cell : 
  •                        Orange plastic cover
  •                        Base
  •                        Electrode Holder with LEDS
  •                        Beaker Holder

Each instrument from 
OrigaLys Electrochem SAS benefits from more than 20 years background and knowledge in Electrochemistry. It works with its user-friendly software:

The OGS100 performs pH and temperature measurements. The OGS100 can also be connected to a low current probe: OrigaMµ and a current booster: OrigaBooKst. The general specifications of the OGS100 are the same than the OGS080.

Compliance voltage: 
+17.5 V

Maximum current: +100 mA

Maximum potential applied: +V  

New impedance ability100 µHz to 1 KHz

From 100 µHz to 5 MHz with the OGFEIS